Create Marketing Reports like in Looker Studio, but without paying for connectors. 100% Free!

Free Dashboards is the truly free alternative to build dashboards for your marketing campaigns. No more paying for broken connectors or visualization tools. Update your dashboard in seconds and forget about having your Looker Studio report broken. And on top of that, it's free forever.

Create free account

Free information sources
master metrics
Looker Studio
Meta Ads
Linkedin Ads
Google Ads
Facebook Insights
Instagram Insights
Google Sheets
General Characteristics
Free Dashboards
master metrics support
Sending tables to Google Sheets
Share Links
Custom metrics/Blend data
Email report
PDF Export
Customized design
Version history
Date control
Free information sources
Meta Ads
Linkedin Ads
Google Ads
Facebook Insights
Instagram Insights
Google Sheets
Free Dashboards
Sending tables to Google Sheets
Share Links
Custom Metric / Blend data
Email report
PDF Export
Customized design
Version history
Date control
Google Ads Marketing
Google Analytics Marketing
Linkedin Ads Marketing
Hubspot Marketing
Close Marketing
TikTok Marketing
ClickUp Marketing
Monday Marketing
Asana Marketing
Zapier Marketing
Facebook Insights Marketing
Instagram Insights Marketing
Cloud Marketing Store
Slack Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions
How many dashboards can be created?
There is no limit to the number of dashboards you can create.
2. How many data sources can I connect?
There is no limit to the number of sources you want to connect.
How many advertising accounts can I connect?
Up to 6 advertising accounts can be connected.
4. Can I create custom metrics?
Yes, up to 20 custom metrics can be created.
5. Can I connect information from Meta Ads and Linkedin Ads without paying?
Yes, it is possible. And we will be adding more free sources soon.
Is it possible to send the information to Google Sheets?
Yes, just add the Master Metrics extension to Google Sheets and you can use it. It is very simple.
7. Is it possible to include text fields in the dashboards?
Yes, it is possible. Both text and titles.
8. Can I share my dashboards with my clients?
Yes, you can use the option to export them as PDF or you can share a public link so that whoever you want can access the dashboard to see the real time metrics without modifying its configuration.
9. Do I have templates available to work faster?
Yes, you have a wide variety of templates.
10. What kind of graphics can I include, can they be customized?
You can include tables, tables with multi-source information, bar charts, line charts, area charts, pie charts and many more options.


Do not panic

Free Dashboards by Master Metrics is 100% free forever.

Master Metrics Reports


Do not panic

Free Dashboards by Master Metrics is 100% free forever.

Master Metrics Reports